is not affiliated with Medicare, CMS, DHHS, or any governmental agency. Click here to learn more.
Please note that this website is NOT the
official Medicare website or the
Center for Medicare Services (CMS) and is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Medicare or any other government agency. This site is intended to provide general information about Medicare plans and services and aims to connect patients with providers in their area. While we strive for accuracy, the information presented on this website might not be up-to-date or complete, and should not be used as a sole resource for making Medicare-related decisions.
Patients are encouraged to consult the official Medicare website or contact Medicare directly for comprehensive details and official information. Providers listed or mentioned on this site are not endorsed by Medicare, and it's the responsibility of the patients to verify the credentials and reliability of any provider they consider. Our services are opt-in and not required by any government agency.
By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that you understand this site is not the official Medicare website, and any decisions or actions taken based on the information provided here are at your own risk and discretion.
Medicare Dentist
Medicare Dentist
Last Updated: 05/29/2024